
Albin: Name Day, Name Meaning & More

A name day is a special celebration in many cultures, honoring a name on a specific date each year. A name’s meaning can reflect qualities, characteristics, or symbolism associated with it. On this page, you’ll find details about the name day, meaning, and other interesting facts related to this name.

Name Day: Dates by Country

Albin's name day is celebrated
on February 5 in Poland,
March 1 in Austria, Croatia, Estonia, France, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia and Sweden,
June 22 in the USA,
June 23 in Poland,
July 22 in Poland,
September 6 in Poland,
September 15 in Poland and
October 26 in Austria.

Celebration of name day and name - Albin

Unlocking the Hidden Meaning of Name: Albin

Your name is more than just a label - it holds a unique energy that influences your personality, destiny, and life path. Through numerology and astrology, we uncover the deeper meanings behind your name, revealing your strengths, challenges, and the energy you bring into the world.

Pythagorean Numerology: The Hidden Meaning of Name

Destiny number: 2 - The Peacemaker.
Keywords: Cooperation, balance, sensitivity, harmony, diplomacy.
Positive Traits: Supportive, kind, intuitive, diplomatic, empathetic, tactful.
Challenges: Can be overly sensitive, indecisive, or avoid confrontation.
Life Path Meaning: A journey of partnership, emotional intelligence, and peacekeeping.

Chaldean Numerology: Name Energy and Spiritual Insights

First name number: 3 - The communicator.
Traits: Creative, expressive, social, optimistic.
Strengths: Charismatic, artistic, talented in communication and writing.
Challenges: Can be scattered, superficial, or struggle with discipline.

The Cosmic Secret Code: What The Name Says About You

The name is linked to the planet that governs it, shaping the name's meaning and influencing the traits associated with it.
Planet: Moon - Emotions, Intuition, Nurturing.
The Moon governs emotions, intuition, and deep connections with others. Names ruled by the Moon carry an aura of gentleness, care, and introspection. Those with Moon-ruled names are often empathetic, protective, and highly in tune with their feelings and the emotions of those around them. Their nurturing nature makes them excellent caregivers and trusted confidants.

Name days: Name Albin

Country Month Day Name days 
Poland Poland February 5 Adelajda, Aga, Agata, Albin, Izydor, Jakub, Jan, Justynian, Paweł, Piotr, Strzeżysława 
Austria Austria March 1 Albin, Leontina, Roger 
Croatia Croatia March 1 Čista, Albin, Zoran 
Estonia Estonia March 1 Albo, Albin, Alvin, Armin 
France France March 1 Albin, Aubin, Jonathan 
Hungary Hungary March 1 Albin 
Poland Poland March 1 Albin, Antoni, Antonina, Budzisław, Budzisz, Eudokia, Eudoksja, Ewdokia, Feliks, Herakles, Herkules, Jewdocha, Joanna, Józef, Nikifor, Piotr 
Slovakia Slovakia March 1 Albín 
Sweden Sweden March 1 Albin, Elvira 
USA USA June 22 Alban, Albin, Albion, Nereida, Nerida, Nerissa 
Poland Poland June 23 Agrypina, Albin, Bazyli, Józef, Piotr, Prosper, Wanda, Zenon, Zenona 
Poland Poland July 22 Albin, Bolesława, Bolisława, Laurencjusz, Maria Magdalena, Milenia, Pankracy, Wawrzyniec, Więcemiła 
Poland Poland September 6 Albin, Beata, Eugenia, Eugeniusz, Magnus, Michał, Uniewit, Zachariasz 
Poland Poland September 15 Albin, Budzigniew, Maria, Nikodem 
Austria Austria October 26 Albin, Amand, Wigand 

Name days: Similar names (Albin)

Country Month Day Name days 
Denmark Denmark March 1 Albinus 
Lithuania Lithuania March 1 Albinas, Antanina, Rusne, Tulgaudas 
Italy Italy March 2 Albino 
Estonia Estonia March 24 Albina, Albi, Albe 
Denmark Denmark March 31 Balbina 
Poland Poland March 31 Amos, Balbina, Beniamin, Dobromira, Gwidon, Kirył, Korneli, Kornelia 
Latvia Latvia August 1 Albina, Albins, Dags, Jarmuts, Spekonis 
Latvia Latvia September 12 Albins, Erna, Eva, Evita, Selga 
Poland Poland December 2 Adria, Aurelia, Balbina, Bibianna, Paulina, Sulisław, Wiktoryn, Zbylut 
Croatia Croatia December 15 Adela kr., Albina, Zorka 
Czechia Czechia December 16 Albína 
Lithuania Lithuania December 16 Albina, Alina, Audrone, Vygaudas 
Poland Poland December 16 Adelajda, Ado, Albina, Alina, Ananiasz, Bean, Zdzisława 
Slovakia Slovakia December 16 Albína 
Spain Spain December 16 Albina 
Denmark Denmark December 17 Albina 
Poland Poland December 21 Balbin, Festus, Honorat, Tomasz, Tomisław 

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