Izydor: Name Day, Name Meaning & More
A name day is a special celebration in many cultures, honoring a name on a specific date each year. A name’s meaning can reflect qualities, characteristics, or symbolism associated with it. On this page, you’ll find details about the name day, meaning, and other interesting facts related to this name.
Name Day: Dates by Country
Izydor's name day is celebrated
on January 2 in Poland,
January 7 in Poland,
January 15 in Poland,
February 5 in Poland,
February 17 in Poland,
April 4 in Poland,
May 10 in Poland,
May 15 in Poland,
May 27 in Poland and
December 14 in Poland.
Unlocking the Hidden Meaning of Name: Izydor
Your name is more than just a label - it holds a unique energy that influences your personality, destiny, and life path. Through numerology and astrology, we uncover the deeper meanings behind your name, revealing your strengths, challenges, and the energy you bring into the world.
Pythagorean Numerology: The Hidden Meaning of Name
Destiny number: 7 – The Seeker.
Keywords: Introspection, wisdom, spirituality, knowledge, analytical thinking.
Positive Traits: Deep thinker, philosophical, intuitive, intellectual, private.
Challenges: Can be aloof, secretive, or overly skeptical.
Life Path Meaning: A spiritual and intellectual journey of deep self-discovery.
Chaldean Numerology: Name Energy and Spiritual Insights
First name number: 22 - The Master. Builder
Powerful leader, great at turning dreams into reality.
Can be under extreme pressure or struggle with big expectations.
The Cosmic Secret Code: What The Name Says About You
The name is linked to the planet that governs it, shaping the name's meaning and influencing the traits associated with it.
Planet: Neptune - Spirituality, Dreams, Creativity.
Neptune is the planet of mysticism, dreams, and intuition. Names ruled by Neptune tend to belong to highly imaginative, artistic, and spiritually attuned individuals. These names reflect deep emotional sensitivity, creativity, and an affinity for the unseen or mystical. People with Neptune-ruled names are often drawn to artistic and spiritual pursuits.
Name days: Name Izydor
Country | Month | Day | Name days |
Poland | January | 2 | Abel, Izydor, Makary, Odil, Strzeżysław |
Poland | January | 7 | Chociesław, Izydor, Julian, Lucjan, Walenty |
Poland | January | 15 | Aleksander, Dąbrówka, Dobrawa, Domasław, Domosław, Izydor, Makary, Maur, Paweł |
Poland | February | 5 | Adelajda, Aga, Agata, Albin, Izydor, Jakub, Jan, Justynian, Paweł, Piotr, Strzeżysława |
Poland | February | 17 | Donat, Donata, Franciszek, Izydor, Julian, Konstanty, Łukasz, Niegomir, Sylwin, Zbigniew, Zbyszko |
Poland | April | 4 | Ambroży, Bazyli, Benedykt, Izydor, Wacław, Wacława, Zdzimir |
Poland | May | 10 | Antonin, Częstomir, Izydor, Jan, Symeon, Wiktoryna |
Poland | May | 15 | Afanazy, Atanazy, Berta, Cecyliusz, Czcibora, Dionizja, Izydor, Jan, Nadzieja, Ruprecht, Strzeżysław, Zofia |
Poland | May | 27 | Beda, Izydor, Jan, Juliusz, Lucjan, Magdalena, Radowit |
Poland | December | 14 | Alfred, Arseniusz, Izydor, Naum, Pompejusz, Sławobor, Spirydion |